image of www dot com, info, biz, net, and org

Websites +

Don't have a website yet? No problem. Let me build your online presence and keep it updated as your organization grows. From dot coms to social networking.

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photo of photoshop tools & graphic

Design & Publishing

If you need a newsletter or ad design for the local paper I've got you covered. Experienced in popular online marketing resources and Adobe Creative Suite.

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photo of data sheet & email icon

Administrative Services

Struggling to keep up? If adding to your employee roster isn't an option, I can manage email, convert documents, enter data, and much more.

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Meet April

Photo of April Hoff, Owner

Hello. My name is April Hoff, and I'll be your virtual assistant. With sixteen years of administrative office experience and seven years of computer design work I can provide a valuable service to your business by relieving some of the pressure without the hassle of hiring and training a new employee.


Virtual assistants offer great flexibility, you only pay for the hours required for a particular project or task. From website maintenance to responding to customer emails, no task is too small. If you need something beyond my expertise, I'll be upfront and gladly refer you to one of my trusted partners that have more specialized skills.

"April has been fantastic in helping me get my website up and running.  Her expertise has been greatly appreciated"

- Dr. Douglas Babbitt

Chiropractic Physician, Oregon